King British Filter Aid +
King British Filter Aid+ is a rich-source of friendly-microbes that will help you maintain better water quality. A weekly addition to your aquarium water will reduce harmful ammonia & nitrite, making the water safer for your fish. Regular use improves the development of the biological filter for clean, clear water. For use in coldwater, tropical and marine aquariums. One 100ml bottle will enrich up to 900 litres.
King British Filter Aid + contains natural nitrifying and bacillus bacteria, which break down and remove harmful substances produced by decomposing food fish waste and plant debris. Filter Aid + includes different types pf bacteria to maximise effectiveness in all types of water conditions resulting in cleaner, clearer water.
Nitrifying Bacteria – converting toxic excess ammonia and nitrite into harmless nitrate which is easily removed by regular water changes and also absorbed by plants.
Bacillus Bacteria – break down the organic matter resting in the filter and below the substrate of the aquarium.
The removal of these substances by bacteria is known as the “Biological Filter” and is essential for a healthy, balanced aquarium
it is far better to prevent illness rather than have to cure it. stress and poor water quality are the leading causes of illness in fish. To keep your fish healthy and happy follow these Do’s and Dont’s:
- Do install a filter
- Do condition tap water using King British De-Chlorinator
- Do regular water tests
- Do offer correct habitats for the fish you keep to prevent bullying
- Do feed a High Quality diet for the fish you keep (i.e. King British Fish Flake with Immune Health Booster)
- Do check your fish regularly
- Do not over feed – higher waste production results in poor water quality
- Do not overstock your tank
- Do not handle or net your fish more than absolutely necessary
Carefully calculate the volume to be treated making adequate allowance for the displacement of water by gravel, rocks and equipment. Invert bottle gently to mix before use. Add 1 capful (4ml) of Filter Aid+ for every 36 litres (8 gallons) of water. When starting a new aquarium or when using in a marine aquarium, use a double dose.
Repeat treatment once a week, after carrying out water changes, after using fish medicines, and when adding new fish.
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